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Week 11 of Pregnancy | How Big is Your Baby at 11 Weeks?

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  • Bambino Mio
  • 09 / 07 / 2023

Pregnancy is a time of huge change for you, your body and your life. Our guide will help you through this amazing time, letting you know what to expect at each stage and, most excitingly, what your baby is up to each week.

At 11 weeks of pregnancy your baby is the size of a small fig!

Although in terms of size and shape, we’re talking more Lego figurine. At 11 weeks of pregnancy your baby is around 40mm (1.6in) from crown to rump and weighs around 7g (0.25oz).


The start of pregnancy week 11 also sees your baby graduate from embryo to foetus (1)! All their organs are formed and will continue to grow and mature until your baby finally arrives in 29 (ish) weeks.


Your baby’s head makes up half of their length!

Even though your baby is now a foetus, their head is still very large, making up a third to a half of their length. However, your baby’s body is getting longer and straighter and will soon “catch up” with their head in size.


Week 11 of pregnancy is when your baby’s eyelids (2), which have been growing over the last few weeks, fuse and close over their eyes; they’ll open after week 24.


Your baby’s taste buds are starting to form (3) and in a few weeks they’ll be able to pick up the flavours of your food in your amniotic fluid.


Your baby’s reproductive organs are starting to take shape, but it’s still too soon to tell their sex on an ultrasound just yet. Their fingers and toes lost their webbing last week and your baby’s fingers are very recognisable now (4)!


Baby’s making some breathing movements this week

Your baby’s first breathing movements start around now (5) and you might be lucky enough to see them on your 12-week ultrasound (6) next week. You’ll almost certainly see your baby waving their arms and legs around, which is something to remember!


How you’re feeling at 11 weeks pregnant

If this is your first pregnancy, you’re probably not showing a bump yet, unless you’re expecting twins. You might be gaining some weight around your breasts, bum and thighs by now, as well as maybe noticing some swelling around your hands and feet (7) due to all the extra fluid you’re carrying.


Your hair is looking luscious

Your pregnancy hormones cause your hair to grow faster and to fall out less, leading to some amazing-looking tresses, although you may notice more hair falling out after you’ve had your baby. The texture of your hair may also change, becoming oilier (or drier) than before. 


You might also notice more hair on your arms, face and belly – blame those hormones!


Staying healthy at 11 weeks of pregnancy

You still need to take your folic acid supplement (8) to help your baby’s spine and spinal cord develop properly and it might also be a good idea to add some calcium-rich foods to your healthy pregnancy diet (9) to support your baby’s bone growth.


It’s a good time to join a prenatal exercise or yoga class as you can learn how to make all the right moves in plenty of time. Classes like these are also a great way to meet other expectant parents.


Some pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness might be easing off now, so you may be feeling more like eating and exercising (10), so make everything count. Try to focus on protein-rich foods like hummus and lean meats, as well as whole grains and leafy green vegetables. Don’t forget your water, even though you'll still have the frequent urination symptom!


Things to think about at 11 weeks of pregnancy

Your 12-week scan, also known as your dating scan, is coming up so find out what it involves and discuss with your partner what your next steps will be if you need further tests.


It’s also time to think about money and how long you’ll be on maternity leave after having your baby, as well as find out more about your pregnancy rights at work (11). If you're self employed, find out if you're entitled to Maternity Allowance (12). 


When it comes to money, it’s never too early to start saving up, so look at ways to budget and save some money (13) before you go on maternity leave.


Talk to your partner about if and when you’ll be returning to work after you’ve had the baby and whether you’ll be going part or full time, as well as childcare solutions.


Lots of parents find it helpful to add one or two baby-related items into their weekly grocery shop, so start looking at things like vests and socks. You can also start to research and price up bigger purchases such as prams and car seats around now.


Citations and References

(1) National Institutes of Health (NIH). National Library of Medicine. ‘Fetal Development.’ 2023. Web.

(2) National Institutes of Health (NIH). National Library of Medicine. ‘Embryologic and Fetal Development of the Human Eyelid.’ 2016. Web.

(3) National Institutes of Health (NIH). National Library of Medicine. ‘Scanning Electron Microscopical Studies of Developing Gustatory Papillae in Humans.’ 1997. Web.

(4) National Institutes of Health (NIH). National Library of Medicine. ‘Embryology, Hand.’ 2022. Web.

(5) National Institutes of Health (NIH). National Library of medicine. Scaling Analysis of Paces of Fetal Breathing, Gross-body and Extremity Movements.’ 2007. Web.

(6) National Health Service (NHS). ‘Your Pregnancy Care: 12-week Scan.’ 2020. Web.

(7) National Health Service (NHS). ‘Common Symptoms in Pregnancy. Swollen Ankles,

(8) Feet and Fingers in Pregnancy.’ 2021. Web.

(9) National Health Service (NHS). ‘Folic Acid. Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and Fertility While Taking Folic Acid.’ 2022. Web.

(10) National Health Service (NHS). ‘Vitamins and Minerals. Calcium.’ 2020. Web.

(11) National Health Service (NHS). Keeping Well in Pregnancy: Exercise in Pregnancy.’ 2023. Web.

(12) UK Government ( ‘Pregnancy and Birth. Pregnant Employees’ Rights.’ Web.

(13) UK Government ( ‘Benefits and Financial Support for Families. Maternity Allowance.’

(14) Money Helper ‘Becoming a Parent. Budgeting When You’re Pregnant.’ 2023. Web.