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Choosing a Name for Your Baby Girl

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  • Bambino Mio
  • Parent Life
  • 09 / 06 / 2023

“Though she may be little she is fierce,” said Helena of Hernia in A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

We’re all about strong and inspiring women here at Bambino Mio and maybe you'll be inspired by heroines such as Florence Nightingale, Ada Lovelace, Harriet Tubman, or Frida Kahlo. Either way, we're here to help you choose a strong and inspiring name for your daughter

After six years as the most popular girls name, Olivia might be about to concede the top spot to Lily or Sophia. The ONStop ten list of girl's names features some newcomers, too, with Rosie and Ella making some serious moves and becoming popular baby names.

Many names for girls are inspired by nature, more so than names for boys, and this is reflected in the growing popularity of Willow and Ivy, as well as Rosie and Jasmine. The unisex name Rowan may be making something of a comeback too, after a bit of a slump in recent years. Its still more of a boys name in the UK, but more parents are choosing to name their daughters Rowan.

Making your girls name shortlist

Unless you and your partner are in firm agreement on your baby girls name from the get-go, a shortlist is a helpful way to zero in on the perfect name for your daughter - the one you both agree on and love.

You might have had a few names in mind already, but when things get a bit more serious (as in, youre actually feeling some kicks and flutters) you realise that Bluebell Physalis doesnt work that well with your surname after all. Its time to knuckle down and find some real candidates for your daughters name.

Nature names

Traditional names

Middle names

Definitely not!


What theme do you want for your baby girls name?

Your shortlist may well end up being comprised of girls names with various themes. Traditional names, cultural heritage, nature-inspired names, Biblical names… You might divide them up by theme and pick a first name from nature and a middle name from your family history, for example.

Or the other way around. Or neither. One of the reasons why picking a babys name can be tough is because there are so many names out there and its almost entirely up to you!

Your girl’s name shortlist will start off as a “longlist”…

…and thats OK, you still have time. You even have some extra time after your daughter arrives to pick her name because you legally have six weeks to register her birth. Many parents only settle on their daughter's name when they see her, so dont worry and dont rush things.

Gradually, some girl’s names will drop off the list and then things should be a bit clearer. Eventually, a few front-runners will emerge and you will choose one or two. Trust us, you will.

Seven tips for choosing your baby girls name

Whether youre staring at a list of girls names as long as your arm or youre tossing a coin between two dead-heat choices, these tips will help you to name your daughter.

Are your chosen girls names suitable for an adult?

Girls names are traditionally softer and more feminine (obviously) than boys names, but that doesnt mean you have to go the whole hog and pick a sugary-sweet cutesy girls name. Youre naming an adult, an adult woman wholl be sending out her CV to Big Important Companies one day, after all.

Do the initials work well together?

Arabella Susan Smith. Just think about how the initials will work when youre sewing them into your daughters gym kit. There’s lots of other acronyms we could come up with, but we’re far too mature (probably). Just run the initials past your mind’s eye for a second before settling on a combo. 

Speaking of surnames

Experiment with your combination of first and middle names to see if theyre balanced, if the end and beginning sounds mesh together well and whether they work with your surname. Araminta Scroggins? Nothing wrong with either name, but together?

Is your girls name too trendy?

If a name is particularly “now”, it might feel very dated by the time your daughter gets to secondary school (or even earlier). You might  really love one of the most popular baby girl names, but if there’s five of them in her form, it can get wearing.

It might be better to use that very popular name as a middle name - at least its not a filler” name or a suffix - and look a little further down the ONS top 100 for a first name choice.

Whats the nickname potential?

Its not just about the rude nicknames here (Ophelia, anyone?), but the nicknames that your daughters friends will give her - and they will. Sophia often becomes Fia, Evangeline becomes Evie or Lini and Miranda can turn into Randa. You might not mind, as these things tend to evolve organically, but if theres a known diminutive for your baby girls name and you dont like it, you could be playing with fire.

Could you live with it?

Unusual spellings, a middle name that lends itself to schoolboy sniggers (we’ve all heard of Theresa Green, right?) or a girls name that routinely gets the “…oh, how interesting…” reaction will soon wear thin. Your daughter, remember, will have to live with her name for a long time and you’ll be calling it out for a long time, too.

If you're choosing one of the more unusual baby girl names, keep it under wraps

If youve chosen a less popular baby girls name and you think your family and friends wont like it, then dont say anything until shes a done deal. People will find it much harder to be critical of baby names once the baby is actually born.

Bambino Mio can help you to find the perfect girl’s name

Weve got our own name generator to give you advice, inspiration and interesting information on girls names, so give it a whirl. 

Unfortunately, you’ll have to come up with the amazing backstory to your choice all on your own…

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